Silver Bracelets - DC

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Silver Bracelets

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The silver bracelet

Are you looking for a gift to offer? Or an accessory to enhance your outfit? Therefore the silver bracelet is highly recommended. Thin or wide, simple or more luxurious, the silver bracelet is a jewel that goes with all styles and brings a very subtle and elegant feminine touch.

DC guides you through its collection of silver bracelets, set with diamonds, precious or semi-precious stones. We offer several models of silver jewelry for women.

Learn to differentiate silver from white gold

Silver (925 thousandths) is often confused with white gold, and even more so if the jewel is rhodium-plated and sparkles with brilliance. There, it is even more difficult to tell the difference. One trick to be able to distinguish these two metals is to weigh them. Indeed, gold (whether yellow, pink or white) is often heavier than silver because it is denser.

On the other hand, if your jewel is old, a family jewel for example, then there is a good chance that it is in silver. White gold being a fairly recent material, it was rarely used in jewelry. And then, if over time you notice yellow marks on your bracelet, then be sure that your jewel is in white gold.

To ensure the authenticity of your bracelet or other silver jewelry, just check the hallmark added to the clasp. For the money, we distinguish:

· A numbered inscription (925 or 800) indicating that the jewel is made of 80% and 92,5% pure silver;

· Hallmark at the head of Minerva with the number 2 designates silver at 800;

· Hallmark at the head of Minerva with the number 1 designates 925 silver (sterling silver).

Another trick to recognize a silver jewel, the presence of black oxidation spots on the bracelet. But don't worry, these traces disappear easily after a little cleaning. In our DC workshops, you will only find genuine silver jewelry, certified in our laboratories.

The different types of silver bracelets

Sober, refined, set with diamonds, precious stones, a silver bracelet comes in a multitude of shapes and styles. So you will find:

·         The silver bangle bracelet : timeless and very chic, this bracelet takes the form of a round or oval ring, it can be cut in solid silver, finely set with diamonds or other fine stones;

·         Silver chain bracelet : discreet, simple but very chic, this bracelet consists of a silver chain to which charms are attached; it can also be set with diamonds for more elegance;

· Silver solitaire: this jewel designates a very fine chain bracelet, with a diamond or a precious stone in the center;

· The silver bracelet: often worn by children for their baptisms, this wrist jewel is also suitable for adults, however, it is much more appreciated by men;

· The river of diamonds in silver: this bracelet is a variation of the bangle bracelet. Very chic and captivating, it comes in the form of a ring entirely set with diamonds on one or more rows.

How to wear a bracelet?

The bracelet is an accessory that can be worn on all occasions. According to the styles, it is possible to accumulate them to create a harmonious whole or on the contrary, to wear them alone.

Diamond river bracelets are usually worn alone on the wrist to better showcase them. To create an accumulated style, very trendy, it is preferable to opt for bangle or chain bracelets. If these are thin enough, you can wear up to 10 on one wrist. But if they are of a certain width or set with precious stones, it is advisable to limit yourself to two jewels per wrist.

Silver is a metal that is easy to combine with other materials. For a more bohemian or rock style, it is possible to associate silver bracelets with leather or even steel. However, it will be necessary to take care to harmonize the styles for a much more authentic rendering.

How to choose the size of a bracelet?

The size of the bracelet is everything so that you can have a bracelet that perfectly fits your wrist. To measure the circumference of the wrist, we will use a sewing tape measure, or a string and a ruler. When taking the measurement, be sure to leave a finger between the skin and the tape measure (or the string), otherwise the bracelet will be too tight.

For a loose bracelet wearing (as is often the case for a chain bracelet for example), we will add 1 cm to the length obtained. For a very wide wear, it is possible to go up to 2 cm. But you will still have to be careful otherwise the jewel may slip. For a rigid bracelet, which is generally worn flush with the skin, a length of 0,5 cm more will be sufficient.

How to clean a silver bracelet?

Silver jewelry oxidizes, that is to say, it tarnishes over time and loses its shine slightly. It is covered with a very dark sulphide layer, which greatly alters their color.

When purchased, silver jewelry is often covered with a layer of rhodium, which protects the metal and gives it its luster and shine. But this layer fades over time. One technique for restoring shine to jewelry is to immerse it in a rhodium bath, which can be done by yourself or by a jeweler.

Other techniques also make it possible to clean a silver bracelet and restore its shine. For this, you can use cleaning product and water and gently rub the jewel. Then all you have to do is let the jewel dry before you can wear it.

There are several tips from grandmother to whitewash silver jewelry. You can use a mixture of baking soda and water; lemon or white vinegar mixed with hot water; or, Marseille soap or black soap.

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